Ukuran Lapangan Tenis Meja untuk Diketahui

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Tennis table, also known as ping pong, is a popular sport that is enjoyed by people of all ages. To play this game, you need several equipment such as rackets, ping pong balls, and a tennis table. Just like any other sport, there are specific rules to follow in playing tennis table, including the size of the table. In this article, we will discuss the standard international size of a tennis table and the necessary equipment for playing the game.

## The Size of a Tennis Table
According to the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF), there are specific dimensions for a standard international tennis table. The width of the table is generally 152.5 cm while the length is 274 cm with a height of 76 cm. The total area of the tennis table measures 4,1785 square meters with a thickness of 3 cm. The net has a length of 783 cm and a height of 15.25 cm.

A tennis table, also known as a ping pong table, must be made of wood material that can bounce the ping pong ball up to approximately 23 cm when it is dropped from a height of 30 cm by players. The color of the tennis table should be dark with white lines that are 2 cm wide serving as boundary markers.

## Equipment for Playing Tennis Table
To play tennis table effectively, there are several essential equipment that you need:

### 1. Racket
In tennis table, a racket or paddle is used to hit the ball. It is made from a combination of wood and carbon fiber materials. The side of the racket that receives the ball is covered with a smooth rubber layer with a thickness of either 2 mm without sponge or 4 mm with sponge. This combination enhances both stability and power when hitting the ball.

### 2. Ball
The ball is another fundamental equipment in tennis table. According to standards, it should be round with a diameter of 40 mm and weighs 2.7 grams. The ball is made of plastic or celluloid material that is non-reflective. It is mandatory for the ball to be either white or orange in color.

### 3. Net
Similar to badminton and tennis, tennis table also uses a net to separate the playing areas of each player. The net is stretched using strings attached to support posts with a height of 15.25 cm in the middle of the table. The length of the net from one side to the other is 1.83 meters, making the total length from top to bottom of the table 15.22 cm.

In conclusion, it is important to familiarize yourself with the international standard size of a tennis table before playing the game. Remember to always have fun and maintain sportsmanship while playing tennis table! You can find various tennis table equipment such as balls, rackets, and tables at affordable prices on Tokopedia.

Author: Abya Zara